Post by
dart321 on Apr 08, 2024 5:52pm
Trump as Pez Economics 101
Trump has already said he wants to be a dictator on day one, so let's explain what would happen if he is elected. First we look at the percentage of jobs directly impacted by state and federal funds that is 37% on average and 57% of jobs in red states. Why is that important well the U.S. funds 50% of it's state and federal debt offshore, those funds will be a thing of the past the second trump is elected because the U.S. becomes one of the worlds most unstable countries. The second thing that will happen is these offshore investors will begin to sell all their U.S. bonds which will then cause inflation to skyrocket at the same time this is happening the U.S. dollar will be replaced as the world currency causing even higher inflation and all this is just the beginning. Back to the funding by offshore money, when that stoppes all those jobs that are created from state and federal hand out will become a thing of the past and within a few month of trump taking office job losses will be through the roof mostly in red states. Stay tune for the next installment of the trump economic crash.