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Infosys ADR Representing One INFY

Infosys Limited provides digital services and consulting. Its segments include Financial Services, Retail, Communication, Energy, Utilities, Resources and Services, Manufacturing, Hi-Tech, Life Sciences and All other segments. All other segments include operating segments of businesses in India, Japan, China, Infosys Public Services and other enterprises in public services. Its core services include application management services, proprietary application development services, independent validation solutions, product engineering and management, infrastructure management services, traditional enterprise application implementation, support and integration services and business process management. Its products and platforms include Finacle-core banking solution, Edge Suite of products, Panaya platform, Infosys Equinox, Infosys Helix, Infosys Applied AI, Infosys Cortex, Stater digital platform and Infosys McCamish-insurance platform. It offers Infosys Cobalt and Infosys Topaz services.

NYSE:INFY - Post by User

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  • AlexStock1X
Post by AlexStock1on Feb 28, 2013 1:43am
Post# 21052930

Outlook for India

Outlook for India

Hey guys, 

Since this is an Indian company I figured this would be appropriate to be posted here. It`s the 2013 outlook for Asian, with a great deal of information about India. It`s more macro, but could be of help. 


Thanks for your time!

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