VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Nov 17, 2008 -- Minefinders Corporation Ltd. (Toronto:/">MFL.TO - News)(AMEX:MFN - News) is pleased to announce the first pour of gold and silver dore at its Dolores open pit mine in Chihuahua, Mexico and its financial results for the third quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2008.
' font-size:='9.5pt;' font-family:='"Arial' first='quarter' and='expand' dore='production' at='Dolores' marks='another' significant='milestone' in='this' commissioning='of' the='importance' mine=" said Mark Bailey, Minefinders' President and CEO. " i='would' like='to' take='this' opportunity='to' commend='and' congratulate='those' who='have' worked='diligently' to='closely' this='deposit' from='a' grassroots='discovery' during='the' of='cautious' as='production' increases='to' commercial='levels,' minefinders='will' emerge='as' a='leading' low-cost,='mid-tier' gold='and' silver='prices' expected='production' exceeding='1.7' million='ounces' over='a' 15-year='mine' life,='we' are='well' positioned='for' future='growth.' while='the' remain='significantly' higher='than' our='expected' production='capacity' we='are' cash='expenditures' volatile='economic' environment=' commented Mr. Bailey. ' monitor='our' actively='reducing' where='possible.' also='working' on='initiatives' that='could' increase='precious' metals='recovery' going='forward.' msonormal=' style=' margin:='0in' 0in='10pt' calibri=' size=' 3='>
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