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NeuroMetrix Inc NURO

NeuroMetrix, Inc. is a commercial-stage healthcare company that develops and commercializes neurotechnology devices to address unmet needs in the chronic pain and diabetes markets. The Company's products are wearable or hand-held medical devices enabled by proprietary consumables and software solutions that include mobile apps, enterprise software and cloud-based systems. The Company has two commercial brands. Quell is a wearable neuromodulation platform. DPNCheck is a point-of-care screening test for peripheral neuropathy. It operates two product categories: Diagnostic technology and Therapeutic technology. Diagnostic technology product category is engaged in point-of-care peripheral neuropathy assessment. Therapeutic technology product category is engaged in wearable neuromodulation for chronic pain syndromes. Its patients control and personalize the technology via a mobile phone application, and their utilization and certain clinical metrics may be tracked in the Quell Health Cloud.

NDAQ:NURO - Post by User

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  • IseneschalX
Post by Iseneschalon Jan 18, 2022 1:13pm
Post# 34329267

NURO at the bottom of the sideways channel ; )

NURO at the bottom of the sideways channel ; )has to hold $6.34.... or it's a quick drop to $6
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