My thanks to notable. In a tough environment of FUDsters, you keep updating important information.
keeping in mind the best & most accurate & reliable source of information is the oncolytics biotec web site.
Certainly worth a read.
The " corporate update, PDF", is a clean & clear representation of progress & expectations.
On this site we seem to have a never ending stream of chatter, from a limited few.
All of what the6y post, is intentional twisting of various statements or details. Creating a negative vibe.
some of whom have identified they don't even own shares.
Why would anyone devote time & energy to post thoughts, to discredit a company on its community chat site. aKA this one?
Granted it would be off balance as a minium to bash one's own investment.
The motivation, therfore must be to influence & hope to drive the price down.
Either to buy @ a lower level, or further profit from short positions.
Regardless, Sadly we have to read the drivel spouted.
Broader picture. The options have not changed.
buy, hold or sell ?
Sitting reading, right now...what matters is can Onc get Pela to market?
if they do, then & only then will the proper valuation come to light.
There is a process in place & history of trial results that indicate Onc will get Pela approved. Most likeky for MBc and pancreatic cancers.
Additionally, they have broader sucsess within the Goblet trial. CAR-t , and ongoing triple neg breast cancer with Incyte.
Regardless of when, they need a $$ partner to proceed with the MBc route.
The pancreatic cancer trial will be defined soon. That being a co- therapy with Roche.
again, regardless of time. The most recent trial results were viewed as positive, hence the announcement, october. Discussing the upcoming trials. Not to forget the $5million grant from PanCan to fund an additional arm....aka perhaps yet another marketing opportunity.
Buy, sell or hold?
I did buy some more a few weeks ago. Being around & holding a long time, lowers my break- even & increases my uoside.
Sell? ...profit taking. Not impossible. Protecting loss opportunities? A decision based on fear or not understanding the opportunities.
That is essentially my opinion right now, today.
I believe the science is strong. I know they MUST get a business deal & soon, to move forward.
The latest corporate update indicates potential of $2.5 billion in sales/year , just for the MBc cancer.
That number puts Onc into a much higher position than we see now.
That is essentially where the analysts get their 12 month target of , as we hear now, $5/ps mid range.
That target does not include a buyout price.
Analysts don't do buyout projections unless there is public talk of a takeover.
Like it or nit, they do have to provide data , to back their projections.
Few appreciate: Onc negotiated a deal with PanCan to proceed with the pancreatic cancer trial.
Sadly PanCan lost their funding & cancelled ALL future trials.
That put Onc in a huge logistical horror.
Those who go on & on bashing manegement, fail to give credit.
They were able to turn thst disaster around & team up with CGAR.
Yes, causing delays. The CGAR oppotunity, includes the $5 million grant, for the additional new Gobblet arm.
So, insult away. I don't care.
My Onc holdings are in until something happens.
if I thought, the science was wrong, I would have sold long ago.
My best guess, they will be bought out & soon.
The most recent news & conference call was very positive.
A few business observations. The ATM use has been minimal. Volume in general minimal.
Yes the long history is hurting the price. So is the increased shorting.
if I had zero shares right now, I'd be buying.
The upside opportunity & evidence far outweigh the downside risk.
A potential multi use cancer drug, in co- therapy with Roche......worth much more than where we are now.