Post by
schocor on May 05, 2016 10:07am
CH7 is NOT Exciting
Well that was a rather uninspiring press release. Yes CH7 will be mined, but it is not terribly profitable. This will be filler material that they mix with CH6 to keep the mill full - and there is nothing wrong with that - but it kind of takes the steam off the project. They need to find larger pipes, more tonnes. This is a good start but they need 3-4 more of these. I except the stock will trade down over time on this news.
Comment by
mill44 on May 05, 2016 10:18am
There was enough information out there to see this outcome. The most you could have expected was a bump up in grade. If anyone gambled on that, well, that was a gamble. I agree with Ekim that what we have here is the base case. In a mining scenario all what you have is upside.