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Resolute Mining Ltd RMGGF

Alternate Symbol(s):  RMGGY

Resolute Mining Ltd is an Australia-based gold miner, developer, and explorer company. The Company owns two producing gold mines: the Syama Gold Mine in Mile (Syama) and the Mako Gold Mine in Senegal (Mako). The Syama is located in the southwest of Mali, approximately 30 kilometers (km) from the Cote d’Ivoire border and 300 km southeast of the capital Bamako. Syama Gold Mine is a large-scale operation, comprising the established Syama Underground Mine, the Tabakoroni Complex and the 3.5 Moz Syama North Resource along with several satellite oxide pits. The Mako Gold Mine, located in eastern Senegal, is an open pit mine with potential life extension through several near-mine exploration opportunities. Mako is owned and operated by the Company's Senegalese subsidiary, Petowal Mining Company S.A. The Company is also active in exploration with drilling campaigns underway across its African tenements with a focus on Mali, Senegal and Guinea.

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  • CruxInvestorX
Post by CruxInvestoron Dec 05, 2019 8:57am
Post# 30424139

Interview with CEO John Welborn

Interview with CEO John WelbornCEO John Welborn joins us for a chat on Resolute Mining. We hear their growth story and business plan, the financing of the project and insight to the mining automation.

Watch here:
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