Post by
DannyRye on May 11, 2021 6:56pm
Down For What?
3x normal volume today as well as a pretty big drop over the last few trading days. Any opinions on what’s going on?
This stock has being an odd one to watch to say the least. So many things going for them, so much room ahead of them also.
-Finally making a profit as of December
-Great additions on the board
-Quarterlies are getting better and better (still waiting to see Q1 financials... any thoughts on when that will be?)
-Company has proven its ability to adapt quickly and provide for its users (Covid and all...)
-Stock price over that last 12 and even 18 months has risen hundreds of %’s.
I understand that not all days can be green but it feels like an unreasonable dip. Maybe investors just want to make sure they get something back out of this (I get the feeling I’m not the only one holding shares for years back at $3-$4) and there was a bit of fear momentum causing some cheap selling to occur?
Im still hanging on tight to my shares for the reasons above. This company is on the right path and making most of the right moves. A focus on getting more eyes on this stock would really help and perhaps a more steady stream of investor news reports would have a positive effect on that.
please share your thoughts and opinions but keep it about RSS and keep it respectful, this billboard is dead enough right now as it is and we don’t need trolling or bashing.