Post by
BBDB859 on Feb 14, 2023 4:00pm
BT reminder
I recall having a real dilema trying to figure out which company of the 2 we should keep, BBA or BT, when I knew very well that, they had to sell one of them.
To the best of my recollection I thought BBA was the company to sell. Because of the huge Revs that BT was generating, at that time. In fact I din't think we'd be able to get enough FCF from the meager $5.5B in Revs, that BBA was making. So I believed that the LTD would kill BBA eventually. Even Pablo thought the same here. Well what a surprise reflecting back now. Hind sight is 20/20 and now foresight has become 20/20 with BBA. Who here would have thought that BBA would shine like this? I should not be surprised at the fact that this is happening, because, it's all about MARGINS. The great margins from BBA have combined with the stunning guidence of BD, & EM, to get us to the place we are today. Of course none of this been possible if we didn't get the $3.6B of BT money. But who among of us would have known that BD would be able to combine the $3.6B of BT money, and the meager (imo) $5.5B Revs, from BBA to make such a financial gourmet concoction. This was sheer brilliance on the part of Management.
What's even more surprising is the fact that, they are giving us the foresight to 2025 financials, and how we are going to be at 2X EBITDA / LTD. This foresight is stunning for me, from where we were, to where we're going. Having an $11.3B of LTD to less than $5.5B in 2 years.
You longs here should just relax, and let these big boys do as they please, and don't react. If you have the financial wherewithal to even acquire more shares than do it. Because you can't go wrong here. But don't get flustered with any false info from imbeciles that come here saying things, that they have no knowledge about. That is the knowledge about where the company was 2 years ago, and where it is today. JMHO
Comment by
Centaurev on Feb 14, 2023 4:13pm
This one of the reasons why the SP went from 14.50 $ two years ago to 58.41 $ today. Keep your shares they'll go back up!!
Comment by
johnney on Feb 15, 2023 3:34pm
quote: BBDB859, i know that all this will be a matter of time, before it staightens back up, and confidence from investors, cause we see that there is still hesitation from them, cause the company's reputation has not been totally recovered, and that does take a while, but we are better than two years ago, no doubt on that!!