We deny human rights to protect the interest of banks 
Our central bank is clearly political and lets inflation run 10% so banks can weather asset volatility.

Our housing market is such a bloated pig it goes up more in 1 yr than most peoples savings in an entire lifetime. 

The entire economy is a manipulated mess of absurdity and circus to maintain the illusion of propserity when ther is none. There is money printing and redistribution, There is totalitarian health mandates quickly expanding into all facets of the economy. 

Royal TD are DInsoaurs. This bloated pig of an economy cannot replicate the past 60 yrs ...again. 
They will need to enslave the masses completely to pull their growth objectives . Hosues at 2 milliom would have to be 20. Inflation of 30% and central bank will yawn.  Ludicrous Greed.