1. CEO in untrustable
As proven with the missed guidance last quarter.  There was insider selling during a blackout period which they knew would happen with the creation of the Strategic Review and margin call setup, The CEO's action here and with his previous companies, speaks for itself.  So does the failure to explain himself, using apparently offshore accounts to transfer shares out of our view. This borders on fraudulent activity which should be investigated by regulators. Or at minimum explained by the company.

2. AMCo deal is highly questionable.  
Price hikes just before the sale to Concordia and management agreeing to Earn-out pay in the 144 pounds which today is worth $186M USD.  Several scrutiny by the press and public in the UK on AMCo's dealing and negative sentiment on the "brothers" that built it. Concordia has confirmed that they needed to use the admenments of Nov. 2016 to defer the max which is 50% but just to Feb, jsut 5 months away.

3. Quesrtionable 4 drug "deal" with Cinven "third party is an extra $72M USD
That's clearly specified in the "Consideratiion" section of the Sedar and SEC filed documents last year.  Longs don't read those documents?  The company has not confirmed this has not been triggered so it's still outstanding.

4, Write off of portions of the Covis acquisition early
That acquisition was from April 2015.  Either complete mismagement or fraud.  That amortization was over 25 years in the books.  You can expect more write offs.

5. Plummeting sales of Donnatal
Overcharging has caused US health insurance providers to no longer cover Donnatal.  Patients are finding alternatives and formulating phamacist are making the generic version of the drup onsite with the main two ingredients.  Research online, lots of pleas by patients.  There's funny business it seems with the online pharmacy handling the sale that requires a ton of forms to bill what appears to be some insurance or health system.  More research nedeed. Drug is not FDA approved but still sold for now.  Drug has no DIN number and is illegal in Canada. Until recently, Donnatal was Concordia sole notable drug. It was its star.  No other star drug has been identifued in the large off-protection pills.

6. Tecinical Traders and downtrends
There is a downtrend on the charts.  Until there is a real catalyst to turn this around, this is continuing to go down.

7. Few directors own any shares
At least long.

8. The CEO is a banker, not a pharma CEO
Look at his past positions and activity.

9. Cinven still holds AMCo
They are listed as a creditor and until the earn-out is paid, they can make a claim to get AMCo back since AMCo is not Deeded to Concordia. They run it as a separate entity. AMCo listed as a Cinven investment, Concordia isn't!

10. Lock up of shares for Cinven is over
This stock has been going down since summer 2015.  Cinven might be the mysterious insider sellers seen from October 21st to October 28th?

11. Assets prices worth less then debt
Concordia was able to fool a lot of people including bankers.  Some of which RBC Capital is "holding the bag" and will recommend to its retail discount clients to buy the stock so they can get it off its books.  If assets are worth less, equity is worthless and so is the stock price. At liquidation, the tangible assets are worth -$98 per share so shareholders would get nothing and bond holders would be be make whole.

12. The CEO broke the law apparently by not disclosing his latest September Insider sale without the number of days specified by law.  No information has been provided by the company.

13. Apparently news of the possible CEO stepping down which was released to the public on October 21st "leaked out" to the markets somehow on the 20th, causing a sharp, unsubtantiated spike from the 20th to the the 21st reaching highs of $7.  The stock traded in the $6s on the halt and closed in the $5 that day after the market realised that the CEO wasn't going anywhere fast on his own.

14. The Lead Independent Director of COncordia is not so independent as he has ties to the investment banking company that was involved in the tragic "review" which saw nothing but unfounded rumors drive up the stock price while insiders were selling though "creative" stock placements for loans, offshore etc etc.  All poorly disclosed to the investing public.

15. There are some strong Private Equity companies lining up to pick off the assets without having to deal with unsecured debt and shareholders.

Over to you longs.  Provide your 15 best points to counter this "Shorting to Zero" short thesis!