Post by
AnEducator on Jun 22, 2023 4:30pm
NAV June 22
~$14.89. This is equivalent to an ex-dividend value of ~$14.74.
The NAV would need to rise by ~0.73% to meet the payment threshold next month. Definitely doable but will require positive sentiment going forward.
Comment by
mouserman on Jun 22, 2023 5:07pm
Worth mentioning that the premium now exceeds 50% after distributions are figured in.... I do not remember ever seeing a premium that rich, for a common split fund stock under the 15$ threshhold for paying. Dont know if i have ever seen a 50% premium on any split fund common....But only about 10 years i have been following these.
Comment by
itsthehitman on Jun 23, 2023 7:55am
Took a look at 10 year chart.....sorry but I am impressed...have owned for over 9 years and 1.20 year in divis give me a positive return.....not getting rich but a safe 9 year investment. Had I bought 2 or 3 banks and sat on them and invested all divis would be farther ahead after the 9 years. Still holding 19,000sh of dfn but will probably sell off 4 to 5000sh in the near future. Glta
Comment by
mouserman on Jun 23, 2023 10:17am
Not much for positive sentiment out there as we end this week. Next few weeks of trading will be very important. FED is having the desired effect, lowered house prices, scaring people out of first time home buys.... and now reducing the spending ability of those with investments. Sure feels like a recession, even if the govt's definition doesnt show it as such.