See excerpts below..........So, presumably direct mining of Damang ended in late 2023, with the final two years processing of stockpiles.
There are signifucant exploration opportunities which, if this putative new deal with Gold Fields reaches reality, provide GAU with two years of solid low cost cash flows which, in the interim , would fund the development of new gold resources and resumption of gold production..
Importantly, LOM extension opportunities have been the focus for studies at Damang.
Exploration at Damang during 2022 focused on extensional and infill drilling of the Damang mini cutback (MCB) volume, the Juno Mineral Resources pit shell and the Tamang-Nyame corridor for future mine design and pre-feasibility studies.
Damang is approaching the end of the successfully implemented DRP, which commenced in 2017.
Mining operations are planned to end in 2023 after the depletion of the Huni pit, while processing of stockpiles is planned to continue until 2025."