Sure financials are good; and yet, I wouldn't be waiting around and holding my breath for any tangible deliverables kind and quality of company news. I could be absolutely wrong about this and I want to be absolutely wrong about this.
Never the less, it'll likely be another fiscal year or perhaps three years before any forward progress with respect to the qualification and necessary certification of the graphene enhanced drilling fluid is reported.
- That graphene enhanced insulative foam product, the product which employs NanoXplore process manufacturing step specific intellectual property in it's manufacturing, simply does not have a requisite "commercial agreement" in place with the collaborating well recognized chemicals and materials company. When that actually happens is anybody's guess. Although, I'd expect it wouldn't happen within the next 3 years, perhaps if ever.
- The graphene enhanced composites product (SMC, etc) manufacturing capacity expansion will not be coming online until sometime during the end of 2026 fiscal year, roughly two years away,
- The now nearer to infamous "dry process" full scale manufacturing of graphene powder is not likely to be in place until there is secured a more than just sufficient long term dependable supply of recyclable waste by-product graphite material feedstock by NanoXplore from a specifically "mechanical" process step manufacturer of CSPG anode component material.
- What's more, since NanoXplore has to first secure "binding" bonafide and bankable offtake purchase agreements for NanoXplore's production and long term supply of anywhere from 10,000 tpa of CSPG anode component material, the manufacuring of which could be yielding very roughly 4,900 tpa of lowest costs recyclable waste by-product graphite material for NanoXplore's use as a vital feedstock in "dry process" manufacturing graphene powder, there would be no final investment decision undertaken in favor of pursuing either of said merely proposed investment initiatives until such time as said offtake purchase agreements are secured in a binding fashion from NanoXplore customers.
Understand that no prerequisite offtake purchase agreements means no 10,000 tpa manufacturing of CSPG anode component matrial; and no 10,000 tpa CSPG anode manufacturing means no roughly 4,900 tpa of lowest costs recyclable waste by-product graphite material for NanoXplore's use as a vital feedstock in "dry process" manufacturing graphene powder; hence, no ability for NanoXplore to costs efficiently and therefore profitably manufacture "dry process" kind of high quality and equal to or lower than carbon black priced NanoXplore graphene powder.
All this being said, I am still holding every single share amounting to 25%+ of my cash net worth having been invested here with NanoXplore. The opportunity costs experienced, due my holding my entire GRA.T equity position during this interim period, have been substantial to say the least..
You can definitely say that I am a glutton for punishment.