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Gold Springs Resource Corp. T.GRC

Alternate Symbol(s):  GRCAF

Gold Springs Resource Corp. formerly known as, TriMetals Mining Inc. is a growth-focused gold exploration company creating value through the exploration and development of the Gold Springs project in Nevada and Utah, U.S.A. Management has extensive experience in global exploration and the mining industry.

TSX:GRC - Post by User

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  • jimdines1234567X
Post by jimdines1234567on Oct 06, 2023 4:56pm
Post# 35673976

Charlie Ross drill results are excellent!

Charlie Ross drill results are excellent! After a very long time, we finally got some terrific news from the Charlie Ross deposit. The shares remain literally DIRT CHEAP!

I am a believer and an acquirer of shares at these suppressed levels... 

Gold Springs Resource Expands Gold Mineralization at the Charlie Ross Resource


VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / October 6, 2023 / Gold Springs Resource Corp. (TSX: GRC)(OTCQB: GRCAF) (the "Company" or "GRC") reports assay results from the Charlie Ross Resource area of its Gold Springs project located in the USA, on the border of Nevada and Utah.

Highlights include:

  • 3.10 g/t gold equivalent over 12.2 meters including 
    7.74 g/t gold equivalent over 4.6 meters and 
    1.08 g/t gold equivalent over 3.0 meters and 
    0.84 g/t gold equivalent over 6.1 meters in hole CR-22-014
  • 2.64 g/t gold equivalent over 12.2 meters including. 
    9.49 g/t gold equivalent over 3.0 meters and 
    0.72 g/t gold equivalent over 6.1 meters in hole CR-22-010
  • 2.33 g/t gold equivalent over 6.1 meters and 
    1.02 g/t gold equivalent over 3.0 meters in hole CR-22-008
  • 1.60 g/t gold equivalent over 3.1 meters in hole CR-22-015
  • 1.31 g/t gold equivalent over 10.6 meters and 
    0.61 g/t gold equivalent over 6.1 meters in hole CR-22-009

Gold equivalent based on US$1,800/oz gold, US$25/oz silver, and 50% for silver recovery.

Randall Moore, Executive Vice President of Exploration, stated:

"These exciting results at Charlie Ross continue to demonstrate GRC's model and our ability to expand gold mineralization along strike within the three parallel resource zones (Western, Central and Eastern), and with higher grades than our existing Charlie Ross resource (please refer to the Technical Report as defined below).

In the Eastern zone, hole CR-22-009 returning 1.31 g/t AuEq over 10.6 meters is of particular importance as it is the first to test the northern extension of the historic Charlie Ross mine and indicates that significant grades exist in this area which remains wide open to the north.

In the Western zone, holes CR-22-014 and CR-22-010 returned significant grades of 3.10 g/t AuEq over 12.2 meters and 2.64 g/t AuEq over 12.2 meters, respectively.

In the Central zone, hole CR-22-008 returned 2.33 g/t AuEq over 6.1 meters and 1.02 g/t AuEq over 3 meters."

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