TVE Charlie Lake Assets Presentation LinK Kelt Wembly/Pipestone Charlie Lake Link So TVE have just recently had some of their best Charlie Lake results, and they are adjacent to Kelt the next range over.
These are highly perspective lands and Tamarack is getting 67% oil from these wells. Some of the wells have a IRR:>200%
The Charlie Lake wells are a little cheaper than the Montney wells to drill and with that percentage of oil it provide attractive returns.
TVE has about 900 million in debt. a share holder dividend, and is commited to doing share buybacks. Their future progress is going to be slow.
What is Kelt going to do when its producing 50,000 boe/day with no dividend commitment, no reason to pay down debt, and no buybacks in place?
Kelt is going to be a cash cow, and this year they will complete 32 wells according to plan.
What is next year going to look like.