Water is a concern in Canada. ( droughts on the rise )
Hydrodams need to keep the water flowing to create electricity.
Mild winter, less snow pack means... less run off less water in rivers.
Dam's that conserve water, create more water in resevoirs.
Using this water to create hydrogen which inturn is used to turn hydro turbines
could ultimately use less water.
Quebec Hydro
If they switched to conserve water, use less water, split water via electrolysis
create hydrogen to use to run their turbines would.....
Make the perfect candidate to team with to create - methanol fuel.
What is the Michael Sabia Hydro-Qubec plan ?
The Sabia blueprint will see the utility spend as much as $185-billion to transform Quebec's energy landscape from now until 2035, including an estimated $110-billion on new clean power generation facilities and $50-billion to improve the reliability of the electrical grid.Dec 15, 2023
That's alot of billions.
Billions that could be averted..... simply rethinking Quebec's energy plans.
NOU, GEM and Focus could launch a carbon energy HUB,
being each are located in close approximation to each other.
All 3 tesmed with Quebec Hydro.
Creating a renewable methsnol, nat gas, hydrogen future.
Quebec's independence.
Begin with carbon in, deposits then.... expand into waste foods, waste vegatation
creating a longevity plan of green renewable energy... hydrogen, methanol, nat gas.
Why did the DoD invest in LMR or FT ? ( FT coal deposit )
Batteries or just maybe....
carbon fuels like methanol, that offers 95% less CO2 emissions ?
Any new battery plants ?
Lithium, Nickel ? i'm not seeing any.
Or just lots of chatter ( press + articles ) with billion dollar figures thrown around ?
Why carbon capture programs ?
Gov't incentives yet not fully recognized in feasability studies ?
Who will own the valued carbon ?
Carbon deek ?
Who knows...
Think Bigger...
Or, carry on due course -----> selling caron cons to, USA.