Post by
kavern23 on Jun 22, 2023 6:11pm
Second Half Capex
I wonder if they do something like this for second half:
-6 willy wells...leaving at 6 wells as Willy can be high gradeded. But maybe they do 4 wells if wanting to reallocate
-delay the 6 (4.4 net) Pembina wells..Okay stuff but prob weakest in portfolio and easiest to cut
-7 Blue skywells....I think they have to drill in PROP and have production ready for Transmount in 2024 even though other wells can come on faster
-Delay the 2 clearwater wells.
-Add 2 4 well viking padss for total of 8 more viking in decond half.
This should keep production same or better while being lower capex.
I don't know though the capacity available at Viking...that is unkown.