Organize some rallies and protests at the gates of these dirty fuel burning conglomerates. Let the public know there is a clean and green solution ready and waiting. Our children don't need to be inhaling the dirty emissions from these billion dollar dinosaurs.
Look at what happened to Ontario's coal plants when green peace started protesting and hanging signs (and themselves) off the stacks. It is now against the law to generate electricity in Ontario with coal.
Don't blame PPP for being a lackluster salesman. Blame the big dirty businesses that drag their feet until forced into change.
Either way change is coming. Do you have the patience? I do. I haven't bought any Pyr shares for over a year. Yesterday I purchased more. I'm not selling for at least 5 years. In 5 years i will look back and be very thankful that I had the patience to hold.
So stop wasting negative energy on the bullboard and email/call your local MP's and demand change.