Post by
Bigbear7405 on Feb 10, 2021 12:30pm
Back to 40 in a year and a half.
This stock doesn't need to be bought out. The stock is down from a bad year of earnings. Normally in bad times price per barrel is down but refining is good. Or refining is bad and price per barrel is good. We just had price.per barrel bad and refining bad because there is no demand for refined fuels. One covid is gone demand for fuel will increase as driving and flying will go back to normal. So.many people I talk to are eager to go traveling. Spicy peanut t up demand We have the biggest population of retired people ever and they can't go anywhere and spend their personal pension cheques. All comes down to vaccination and the states are doing a 1.2 million a day.
Comment by
Fishermen on Feb 10, 2021 1:00pm
Honestly, I believe it is still years for things going back to normal. No one have any idea if the vaccines really work or not. Look up Israel, they say the vaccines might have worked because the new case dropped 45%. But our Ontario's new case dropped more than 50% too. I don't really trust statistics from pharmaceutical companies. Just relax, the virus will go naturally.
Comment by
Bigbear7405 on Feb 10, 2021 2:17pm
Still the US is on pace to get 100 Million vacinated in a 100 days. They are at 40 million or just over.