Post by
Marner16 on Jun 13, 2021 5:24pm
Will SU bump the dividend when we get Q2 earnings in 45 days
Mgmt provided guidance for 2021 in early February which was based upon US$55 for WTI
The guidance did not include an increase in the dividend this year, but it did mention a tight range of reduced CAPEX ($4 billion), a NCIB ($1 billion plus), and debt repayment ($1 billion plus).
The guidance indicated that WTI at $35 covered CAPEX and the dividend. Therefore the company should be piling up two plus billion of cash per quarter above and beyond the CAPEX and dividend.
SU has already paid back all of the debt that it can this year without paying penalties for early replayment. I expect that they will have bought back most if not all of the 44 million shares available this year via the NCIB.
What is SU going to do with all of the extra cash?
I'm in favour of paying down debt and buying back shares (it the share price is under valued).
However, when you can't pay down any more debt and you have bought back all the shares that you can, it only makes sense to use the excess cash to increase the dividend.
Comment by
Thor16 on Jun 13, 2021 6:42pm
Sorry NCIB not SIB. Also to clarify meant our purposes as shareholders.
Comment by
NPCexe on Jun 13, 2021 9:26pm
Agreed, they will not change the established course and raise the div early. Because of this, however, the stock is lagging. I don't care at all about the dividend, so long as SU gets to prepandemic levels. The only hope in achieving this now is for oil to continue rising and there being no market correction before then.
Comment by
Thor16 on Jun 14, 2021 9:50am
Hey Marner16, I could send you some specific examples if you'd like. I wouldnt call it common however I wouldn't call it uncommon either. If you'd like a few send me a pm and I'll send you a few links. I don't know how to PM or I would have just sent a few.
Comment by
thegreattimario on Jun 14, 2021 10:33am
Su should stop the buybacks they will never make an impact. It is creating very little value for shareholders.