1. S&P - 4300 and climbing, entering bull market
2. Cannabis sales have surged in Canada
3. TLRY cash flow positive..soon!
4. TLRY market share could climb to over 20% percent in Canada
5. TLRY financially strong, not going anywhere. Don't sell your shares for those unrealized losses
6. Sweetwater sales surging through the USA
7. cc Pharma sales in Europe surging, over 20% market share
8. Germany legalization shortly. TLRY #1
9. SAFE could be in Senate Committee within weeks...prior to July 4. Then off to the House and Senate. It WILL pass!
10. Probably missed many more positive's
Just a friendly reminder to you shorters, cover those positions ASAP, before it's too late.
TLRY is going to rip and it's going to rip hard and fast. Bulls will be control, the Bears will go back to hibernation and not just for the winter.
GLTA and Stay Strong!