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Automotive Finco Corp V.AFCC.H

Alternate Symbol(s):  RMIAF

Automotive Finco Corp. is a specialty finance company focused on the auto retail sector. Through its investment in Automotive Finance Limited Partnership, the Company provides long-term, debt-based acquisition financing to auto dealerships across the globe, with an initial focus on Canada. In addition to its interest in Automotive Finance Limited Partnership, the Company may also pursue other direct investments and financing opportunities across the auto retail sector.

TSXV:AFCC.H - Post by User

Comment by DemDemon Nov 21, 2022 10:21pm
Post# 35117399


RE:RE:Very good news! AFCC.H CHRISTMAS BEFORE TIME!You are right up to a point. They have already been active and it paid off big. They have ceased to be active and they have always paid an astronomical dividend. He becomes active again and pursues the astronomical dividend. Indeed, we can question their way of doing things, but as long as the share costs me less than the sale price and I have received more than 13% in dividends for years, I have no questions. Am I wrong in thinking that?
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