Post by
Fishercat1 on Aug 18, 2023 8:41pm
Info Is Power . Assays On The Way . Fudbot Motivation ?
Brass Balls . A nic that buys 1 million shares at 4 Cents since lasy year . FORTY THOUSAND $ and now Judge and Jury nics including Patrick that bashed and trashed this stock, the Ceo , and posted all last year and just ONE month ago Aprox turned cheerleader is now posting fud on my bud that called news this weekend . Then we have some New nic calling him a liar and Patrick pilling on ?? Motivations?. He claimed news this weekend. No foul as claiming news is not material . Why ? News is good stock goes up . News is bad stock goes down . Assays and grades as posted will drive the market visuals ( Last NR not so much) . Next up is a nic thats been around since day one as I was here on first page and my buds followed and we all making money now and in the green . This nic and his lady friend Confused started posting Fud against Me and my friends that brought life blood to this stock LAST Year and we appreciated his input and posted that and today now loves Patrick while guessing we all sold and left this board ? Yah he posted that ?. I have called this nic out on certain posts and my reward was a ticket and post remouved a few times no less ?. Next up . WD , Martindale , SMJ and more dont bother posting here anymore because they are attacked and nothing is done about it . I was aattacked today by Traps because I enjoy intelligent convo and my group ( Friends Vilified ), Guess posting on the other board is a crime and we all sold guess again Traps . Motivation and your new Best friend is Patrick ? His history is there for all to see since last year so what does that say about You ?. Anyway yup have a life so Long Bay and truth will set you free. Motivations ? Hey We sold? Naa you boys did as NOBODY trashes longs posting info If there still in OR just being Greedy Looking for more . Sure the drills are our friend you birds No way . No foul here SH . Plain truth peace out . Friday night gotta life .Hell yesLong Bay .
Comment by
traps7 on Aug 18, 2023 10:51pm
Wow ,, 8;41: and still Riotous... Traps7