Uranium - does have it's own uniquiness.
Unstable structure in which we can exploit gamma, alpha, beta.
Question becomes....
are energy sectors placing too much emphasis on - cps ? ( radiation degree of hot rock )
Why say this...?
Perhaps heavy metals is where it's at.
Coffinite, Bismuth, Lead etc....
Science can now radiate the heavy metal to super charge their energy capacity.
Which kind of places the importance not so much on how hot the mineral is...
Rather.... is it the right heavy metal in which one can radiate - revive - make useful.
Hence - radiating can control the dose of infused energy ----> cater to specific purposing.
BetaVolt batteries charged with assigned mass of irridation servicing spcific needs for
end usages. Plane, VLTO's, Robots, Drones etc...
Solid State
Aqueous Ionic Solution ( electrolytes )
Perhaps even Gaseous ( most don't speak of ) What else ?
I think uranium species don't hold the amount of energy it emits.
There's no way uranium can emit that much energy - continually over many years.
It's mass would have to be far greater to contain so much energy.
Now... with all the researching over the years i've yet to read a plausable explanation
how uranium packs so much energy. Most research papers " just accept it's radioactive
measure it, tweak it, enrich it. Not good enough... details are missing.
Best i can figure ? Instability of atom creates a micro manufacturing structure.
Draws in atmospheric avail, gamma, alpha, beta cycles each- ejects each
= atomic structure - kiltered - attracting gamma, alpha, beta particles
= serves useful purpose moving particles of energy / colliding / keeps energy moving around
= would explain small atomic mass - produce continual energy vs contain mega energy
= cps = speed the atom processes and emits
Therefore, 1 - radioactive kind serves a purpose
2 - low radioactive, no radio active heavy metal can also fill several niches
irradating heavy metals in which can hold greater sums of energy
specific capacities in BETA batteries
= service many applications
= very valuble
Issue ?
Nuclear industry would need to recognize specific heavy metals
Price accordingly ( atomic structure vs energy capacity vs recharge generations = price value )
Nuclear Beta batteries Diamond batteries = are coming on scene in a big way
= places current battery in dark ages
= more energy storage, longevity, rechargable via irradating ( fast laser beams )
should consider ( heavy metals ) as a viable energy metal contenders.
I'm not seeing it.
But then again... markets take a bit to play catch up to energy tech.
East Bluffs do reveal high cps readings.
Mendoza lab switch up
Pulping could rid of hot rock ? ( marginalizing grades / cps emission
Former post pdf ( might be another research paper )
mentions.... hen morphing and moble...uranium breaks into diff nucleides.
Thus diminishing cps
I've yet to read
if the mobile nucleides could reassemble to restrengthen its structure ?
unchartered science. haven't come across this research.
Open thoughts...
Wee bit of psuedo science ( hey....most apply this to make breakthroughs )
Gotta start the thought process somewhere. lol
It Amorillio has greater sums of beta coffinite
I'd be pointing the compass to ------> nuclear beta batteries.
Post is not investment advice.
Moreso... ideas for junior.
East Bluffs cps vs Mendoza Lab assays vs calibration of
Vs why was west bluffs avoided, east bluffs drills outside redox vs no central assays
Vs no salar testing vs loose rock content vs basement rock
Vs Ivana's center is basement - picos water errodes it - fallout creating soft ores I can see the east bluffs light and dark shadowing geology ( when expanded )
comparing with actual satellite map allows one to hone in on near pinpoint location.