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Cybercatch Holdings Inc V.CYBE

Alternate Symbol(s):  CYBHF

CyberCatch Holdings, Inc. is a cybersecurity company that provides an artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution that enables continuous compliance and cyber risk mitigation to organizations in critical segments. The Company specializes in serving small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the United States and Canada. Its cloud-native platform solution first helps an SMB/SME implement a baseline of cybersecurity controls in accordance with a regulation, standard or framework, then automatically and continuously tests the controls to identify control deficiencies and non-compliance with cybersecurity requirements. Its platform solution comprises various modules, such as CyberBenchmark, CyberVirtualCISO, CyberThreatTV, CyberXRay, CyberPhisher and CyberCheck24/7. CyberBenchmark provides a workflow engine, an AI-enabled cybersecurity advisor and dashboard to show the organization's progress in real-time.

TSXV:CYBE - Post by User

Post by 88guy88on Feb 14, 2024 12:59pm
Post# 35880087

This one is a DOG

This one is a DOGdon't waste your time energy and money on this one....
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