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Firm Capital Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust V.FCA.UN

Alternate Symbol(s):  FCAFF

Firm Capital Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust is a Canada-based multi-residential real estate investment trust (the Trust). The Trust is a United States focused real estate investment trust that pursues multi-residential income-producing real estate and related debt investments on both a wholly owned and joint venture basis. The Trust has ownership interests in a total of 1,756 apartment units diversely located in Florida, Connecticut, Texas, New York, New Jersey, and Georgia among others. It provides a range of products and services, such as mortgage banking, which includes mortgage services, lending programs, and mortgage brokers, real estate investment, private equity, and alternative credit. It offers a complete line of lending programs for the residential and commercial real estate markets, including mezzanine and joint venture programs. Capital Realty Partners Advisors Inc. is the investment manager of the Trust.

TSXV:FCA.UN - Post by User

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  • Predator2018X
Post by Predator2018on Apr 26, 2023 12:43pm
Post# 35414876

Conflict of driving Asset Management Fees

Conflict of driving Asset Management FeesVery bad for shareholders, good for Asset managers. See Slate Office Reit
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