Good day, I’ve written up a summary for the Gratomic press release dated January 12th, 2021. To help breakdown down the contents and provide some further DD. Which I received clarification from both the company and legal.
Just so everyone understands, this is separate from the commodity news release dated December 31, 2020.
Let’s talk about SG16 and the TodaQ deal. Here’s the battery grade graphite specs on page 48 of the Gratomic Corporate Presentation.
At a USD $25 million dollar contract. TodaQ will be issuing a total of 83,333,333 TDN notes at a fixed price of .30 cents USD to Gratomic per crypto note, (TDN) for ALL 5,000 tonnes of the (current) graphite contract.
In which TodaQ will be storing the 5,000 tonnes of processed SG16 battery grade graphite in an on-site warehouse, adding additional backstop to the TDN note. Along with many other “Large Global” companies TodaQ has partnered with, in the backstopping of TDN. Such as VISA, KBIZ Korea Federation, and HYUNDAI just to name a few.
(TodaQ link see all global partners here at bottom of home page).
(This past Friday Apple was in talks with HYUNDAI, TodaQ’s partner. About building their cars for entry into the EV market).
(HYUNDAI then confirmed the talks on Sunday and possible rollout timeline).
“For those who like to dig, go search and see how much ownership HYUNDAI has in TodaQ.
This also puts the “START BASE” price of SG16 product at $5,000 USD per tonne, for all future transactions and potential off-takes or commodity exchange deals.
If the company decides to list SG16 as a commodity asset, along side Gratomic’s graphite product M97 on the upcoming metals exchange. This will help set a standard base price on “futures” of GRATOMIC’s graphite assets.
With TDN currently being contracted out at .85 cents USD, along with ongoing future contracts being “priced even higher”. This is a HUGE margin asset gain for Gratomic from .30 cents USD per each TDN that is being issued to the company for SG16 graphite.
TodaQ is currently finalizing scheduling for an upcoming, late Q1 or early Q2 up-listing onto a major USA crypto currency exchange.
This deal will essentially deposit $70,833,333 USD dollars or $90,000,000 CDN into GRATOMIC’s e-wallet account to start, in the very near future. See today’s Press Release.
At the .85 cent USD price. With “room to grow” along side the current crypto currency rush. This is a HUGE asset value gain to Gratomic.
This will also allow Gratomic to be able to utilize the TDN as a backstop asset, or trade for fiat money (cash) once TodaQ finalizes the up-listing of the TDN notes.
Now let’s talk about the Qcorp portion of this NR. Qcorp will hold a reserve of 60 million TDN notes to build a treasury of commodities including graphite, through TodaQ USA, with a current valuation of $51,000,000 USD or $65,113,000 CDN.
This is above and beyond the 5,000 tonne deal directly to TodaQ.
Qcorp, along with TodaQ, will become the security and traceability factors on a global scale for when GRATOMIC’s graphite is traded and shipped to end users anywhere in the world. In both private off take transactions and on the upcoming global commodity exchange(s).
The TDN notes are currently valued and being contracted out on various global deals at .85 cents USD with the previous contract with WEBTOONTV Co., in South Korea at .85 cents USD. You can see this information in the below News Release, and the amount of people it is currently and will reach in the future.
Please read this TodaQ news release, as it breaks down and describes the upcoming TDN roll out on a global scale. Along with their various other contracts. Cheers
This is not a recommendation to buy or sell, just simply a breakdown of the companies latest news release dated today.
Have a great day.