Post by
ramman1 on Apr 17, 2021 7:48pm
Trouble investors are not seeing
First things first : When GSI was trading at .15-20 ,per share we were worth .60.------ Now GSI is trading at .83, and shares are worth $1.05- $1.10,based on any financial metric .------------ SO WHAT HAS CHANGED --Well I'll tell you. ---Back before we received the original Septa contracts ,our CEO did not tell us those contracts were ''in the bag/guaranteed'',we earned them and surprised everyone .----Back when our shares were .20 ,our CEO did not create a VP position for guranteed massive sales that are not arriving ,we earned our sales bit by bit . -----I dont remember back when I owned shares at .15 , being told smuggly that our valuation is going to 1 billion,we were happy just to see growth and modest sales based on the quality of our products.--------- I guess if some of you long term guys ,of which I am one,cant see the difference in the current scenarios, opposed to the previous scenarios, you possibly are not tuned into why the shares are valued at .83
Comment by
davewho on Apr 17, 2021 8:28pm
10 Signs Your Company is About to be Acquired — GripRoom
Comment by
BoardAddict on Apr 18, 2021 3:09pm
Interesting post @Davewho! I have never heard of this before. It appears we have 9/10 signs currently. It will be more interesting to see if those metrics prove to be true. Thanks for sharing.
Comment by
Tropicalsun on Apr 19, 2021 10:55am
Interesting perspective for sure, could also explain the head fake actions of GMP. Who the hell knows these days, there are so many microcap and small cap names that are behaving shall we say not normal, for lack of a better term. GLTA
Comment by
fergus2 on Apr 20, 2021 7:57am
As a matter of fact I’m going to print it up and keep in on my desk for ready reference as if it were a fundamental piece of business catechism. There are times when I regret not doing that, having spent fruitless hours after the fact trying to track something down. You dig up some great stuff davewho and you’ve been a great contributor to the GSI board!
Comment by
Ciao on Apr 20, 2021 8:00am
Did a second read and I don't see a solid match here, at most perhaps #1 in past 3 months since the investors disappeared, perhaps someone else wants in and a phantom premium is plausible, then again "promises" of a gap up could have led to the sell off ( along with overall market sentiment).
Comment by
davewho on Apr 18, 2021 8:25am
graphs do look pretty similar for the YTD Gatekeeper Systems Inc (GSI : CVE) Stock Price & News - Google Finance S&P/TSX Venture Composite Index Price, Real-time Quote & News - Google Finance