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Lucero Energy Corp V.LOU

Alternate Symbol(s):  PSHIF

Lucero Energy Corp. is a Canada-based independent oil company. The Company is focused on the acquisition, development, and production of oil-weighted assets in the Bakken and Three Forks formations in the Williston Basin area of North Dakota. It provides pure-play development exposure to a portfolio of oil-in-place projects in the core and most economic part of the Bakken and Three Forks play in North Dakota. The Bakken is a complete petroleum system with source rock featuring multiple stacked zones accessible for development: Middle Bakken, Three Forks, Pronghorn/Sanish and Lodgepole.

TSXV:LOU - Post by User

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  • EnergyuserX
Post by Energyuseron Feb 08, 2024 2:08pm
Post# 35870545

Something is up

Something is up
12 weeks ago was the last earnings release. Since then the share price has sagged 17%. Now, a week before earnings should be coming out...LIFE! a 12% jump...
Somebody got some kind of a tip.
I also see that earnings are scheduled for an April release. But they are due now!?
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