Post by
Nklogix on Dec 15, 2023 10:55am
IPO Price
Right now all we have is projected range, be it hopefully vetted. We will find out the actual price of the IPO on Dec 22.
Once the first day of trading closes we will have much clearer picture of where the share price will adjsut to.
We have the money that we have ON THE BALANCE SHEET = 8c or 8.5c plus 51% in PRC the ongoing company. How is this bad other than if PRC tanks but to what???
Bottom line MJS is 8c + 51% of PRC, please correct me if i am making a mistake in the calculation.
Comment by
lululala on Dec 15, 2023 12:10pm
Your "mistake" is that your calculation does not take into account some important parameters. For example, what happens to the money in the balance sheet? Is it given to PRC? Is it given to the shareholders? Is it invested in a 10 bagger? Is it invested in an Australian stone shipping company?
Comment by
TOCKY8008 on Dec 15, 2023 1:37pm
Hello. pls explain : 70.5% of 75% = 52.88 % not 51%. Also, is it known : if Daedong owner(s) also own Majestic' shares ?, Richards' Resources shares ? Tku TOCKY8008
Comment by
TOCKY8008 on Dec 15, 2023 1:40pm
Oh, and I forgot ,do you think Daedong owner(s) will participate in the IPO ?