For those living under a rock, or complaining about petty things should be aware that Trump is about to take the WhiteHouse and control of foreign trade policy.
Trump has said he will cancel the IRA and the OEMs free lunch. Trump will bring in heavier tariffs on Chinese products including materials for EV production.
The carrot didn't work with OEMs.
The stick Trump carries WILL.
South Korean companies, LG and Samsung are freaking out. Complete absolute paniic.
How they will they feed all the new factories in the USA? And Canada...
Samsung just stopped production on the 3rd battery plant. Why? Because ALL their Chinese based supply will be tariffed. And tariffed heavily.
suddenly the price of graphite means something. And so does North American production.
let's add to the fire that the Canadian Government has yet to disclose what their tariffs will be on China.
If Canada doesn't match or exceed USA tariffs, Donald will happily tariff Canadian made cars going into the USA. (That's 4 out of every 5 cars produced)
And I don't mean Biden Tarrifs. I mean Trump tariffs. By all accounts could range from 60% all the way to 200%. That's what Trump has already said.
Trump cares little for Canada's belly aching and will punish Canada for any lienecy for China.
How will Doug Ford, Trudeau, and Wilkinson feed all those new factories in Ontario? Will the Feds stand by as they see 60Billon Dollars get shuddered?
Suddently we look pretty good and like a really good hedge for the next four years for the USA and next year for the Liberals, who, oh yeah, are also facing an election.
Let's go!