Marco Rubio, soon to be Secretary of State, was in his confirmation hearing today.
Rubio is also the man who proposed a bill last year to place 150% tariffs on Chinese minerals, increasing to 300% the second year, 800% in the third year.
This is what he said TODAY:
Washington DC: The United States' incoming Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, who keeps a hawkish eye on Beijing, has used the choicest of adjectives to describe China's ascent to global superpower status.
Without mincing his words, Mr Rubio, who will give new direction to the US' foreign policy outlook, called China a liar, a cheat, and a thief, while blaming it for cyber-crimes and espionage.
Speaking about the goodwill extended by the US to China in a repenting tone, Mr Rubio said, "We welcomed the Chinese Communist Party into this global order. And they took advantage of all its benefits. But they ignored all its obligations and responsibilities," adding that "Instead, they have lied, cheated, hacked, and stolen their way to global superpower status, at our expense."
If anyone thinks China is going to get a pass on tariffs, they are delusional.