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NexLiving Communities Inc V.NXLV

NexLiving Communities Inc. is a Canadian multi-family real estate company. The Company's business is the ownership and management of multi-unit residential real estate with a focus on low-and mid-rise properties in bedroom communities in Canada. The Company owns approximately 1,998 units in New Brunswick, Ontario and Quebec. It has also developed a robust pipeline of qualified properties for potential acquisition. Its portfolio of multi-family assets in eastern Ontario and Quebec consists of approximately 16 properties and 991 units. Its properties offer a range of modern and updated suites with one to three bedrooms, with a variety of amenities and features that allow residents to experience a maintenance-free lifestyle. Property management is handled by third party providers on a contract basis. A condo or hospitality style level of service is part of the business model.

TSXV:NXLV - Post by User

Post by Tslayeron Sep 29, 2023 11:55am
Post# 35661811

Downward Spiral

Downward SpiralDown 26% from RS price. How low will it go? All Canadian REITs are taking a beating from increased interest rates and market turmoil. It wouldn't surprise me if SP is under $1.50 by year end. 
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