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NexLiving Communities Inc V.NXLV

NexLiving Communities Inc. is a Canadian multi-family real estate company. The Company's business is the ownership and management of multi-unit residential real estate with a focus on low-and mid-rise properties in bedroom communities in Canada. The Company owns approximately 1,998 units in New Brunswick, Ontario and Quebec. It has also developed a robust pipeline of qualified properties for potential acquisition. Its portfolio of multi-family assets in eastern Ontario and Quebec consists of approximately 16 properties and 991 units. Its properties offer a range of modern and updated suites with one to three bedrooms, with a variety of amenities and features that allow residents to experience a maintenance-free lifestyle. Property management is handled by third party providers on a contract basis. A condo or hospitality style level of service is part of the business model.

TSXV:NXLV - Post by User

Comment by Tslayeron Dec 06, 2023 5:04pm
Post# 35771864

RE:Downward Spiral

RE:Downward SpiralThis is painful. Down 135% since consolidation and no sign of turning around. This could fall below $1.00 in mid 2024. Other apartment REITs have started to turn things around unlike this stock. I'm sure the dividend, small as it is, will be cut if ideclines continue and the SP will go back to the $0.20 - $0.30 range where it was 3 - 4 years ago. 
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