Post by
Thx4allthefish on Aug 11, 2021 8:40am
Some facts in this fog of misinformation
Who are insiders? The definition of an "insider" includes CEO's, CFO's, and others as outlined in National Instrument 55-104 and its companion policy (55-104CP). In our view, basically anyone who has access to material information about the company and who can influence the direction of the firm must file insider reports. In addition, generally anybody or organization that owns or has claims on 10% or more of a company's equity is also an insider and must file insider trading reports although there are some important exceptions for eligible institutional investors through National Instrument 62-103 (Part 4). In addition, an issuer will have to file insider trading reports if it buys back its own shares. I hope calculating 10% of the total outstanding share total isnt too difficult for any of the short traders like damn12 and 5rockies.
Comment by
Tcwtaeugene2 on Aug 12, 2021 6:48am
apologize i did not make my DD on this. Sorry AUbo too. Just read the early warning report of yesterday and the press release associate whith it. Now 5.3 millions left to go. We shoulld know by a nr (so i hope) when the support agreement comes to an end, or 3DB as dispose of all the shares available for them. Eugene
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Lesalpes29 on Aug 12, 2021 7:45am
Eugene they did a cross trade yesterday not reported yet... Probably at 4,4M shares. GL
Comment by
Lesalpes29 on Aug 12, 2021 7:49am
Wrong I meen they sold a lot yesterday and an other cross is coming... they will be under 5M!