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Ocumetics Technology Corp V.OTC

Alternate Symbol(s):  OTCFF

Ocumetics Technology Corp. is a Canada-based research and product development company. The Company specializes in adaptive lens designs. It is in the preclinical study stage of development of an intraocular lens. It is focused on developing intraocular lenses for people over 45 years of age. The Ocumetics lens, which is an expandable intraocular lens that fits within the natural lens compartment of the eye to eliminate the need for corrective lenses. It is designed to allow the eye’s natural muscle activity to shift focus from distance to nearby. The Lens consists of self-adapting suspension systems that modulate curvature change. The Lens’s suspension systems are comprised of cushions that are designed to conform to unique parameters of each recipient’s eye. When ciliary muscles relax, during sleep or when the eye focuses upon distant objects, the optical interface is compressed into its high energy state by expansion of the suspension system.

TSXV:OTC - Post by User

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  • HeavyLincolnX
Post by HeavyLincolnon Sep 23, 2022 12:10pm
Post# 34982116

Steady Build

Steady BuildMarket depth is continually getting stronger on the bid.
29,500 @ 0.39
1,000 @ 0.41
45,000 @ 0.42
165,000 @ 0.45
11,000 @ 0.46

The ask is;

1,000 @ 0.47
30,500 @ 0.48
5,000 @ 0.49
76,000 @ 0.50
20,000 @ 0.55
10,000 @ 0.56
30,000 @ 0.60
3,000 @ 0.82
30,500 @ 4.00

I don't think it will take too much to push this over $1.00 
The markets are getting pounded again today...

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