"RepliCel Life Sciences Inc. has increased the size of its previously announced financing described in its news release of Sept. 6, 2022, and Oct. 30, 2022. The company previously disclosed that it would issue up to eight million units at a price of 10 cents per unit, for gross proceeds of $800,000. Due to increased demand, the company today announces that it has increased the number of units to be issued, such that it will issue up to 10.5 million units for gross proceeds of up to $1.05-million.
The company also announces that the TSX Venture Exchange has granted a 30-day extension until Dec. 16, 2022, for completion of the company's non-brokered private placement."
This actually good news as it will add more working capital to the company. It also sends a message to Shiseido that Replicel is well funded and can ride this Arbitration out to the final judgement if a settlement is not reached between the two companies. I think Shiseido will begin to consider a settlemt at this point.