Post by
diabase1 on Mar 06, 2023 8:40am
The following is a brief summary of the Quaternary sediments in RTM's Timmins Twp Property area, as they may assist in providing some useful information.
The Timmins Twp Property is believed to be totally underlain with the Kettle Lakes Esker (Map 2555). On a regional basis, the area consists of glaciofluvial ice contact deposits: gravel and sand; minor till; includes esker, kame, end moraine, ice-marginal delta and subaqueous fan deposits. It also includes glaciolucustrine deposits of sand, gravelly sand and gravel, near shore and beach deposits.
On a more local level, the Property east of the Gibson Lake Road is underlain with glaciofluvial deposits: silty fine-grained sand to pebble gravel (subaqueous outwash). On the west side of the road, and over to Dougherty Lake, it is basically fine to coarse-grained sand, modified by wind action. The northern area of Dougherty Lake is organic deposits: peat and muck (Map P 2950).
From that point, it is noted that there is a narrow, northeast-southwest trending glacial feature (Map P 2950) that extends from near the Gibson Lake Road to the western area of the Timmins Twp Property. It has been described as being Barlow- Ojibway Formation glaciolacustrine beach and bar deposits; pebbly sand, gravel and glaciolacustrine shallow-water deposits; fine to coarse-grained sand.
There apparently are no outcrops within the Timmins Twp Property. The only outcrops in the immediate area of the property are located within the adjoining property of Daniel Johannsson (DJ). Glaciolacustrine shallow-water deposits over bedrock cover the majority of this area.
I suspect that the area north of Dougherty Lake will have deep overburden, while the east and west ends of the Timmins Twp Property, the overburden will be somewhat thinner.
I also interpret the previously mentioned NE/SW Quaternary feature to be related to a splay fault coming off of the major north-south fault mentioned earlier in a previous post. This could be a very interesting target area for exploration, as it may be a fault located on the northern side of a potential stringer/stockwork zone on DJ's property.