Post by
diabase1 on Mar 15, 2023 9:26am
The following are a few comments on the geology of the Timmins Twp. Property, based on each of the maps below:
Assessment File 42A07SE0009/42A07SE0009 Royal Oak Mines 1996
The only significantly large area of bedrock exposure lies south-west of Dougherty Lake on claim 1193700. Here an area about 800m x 400m reveals that the bedrock consists dominantly of mafic volcanics, intercalated with felsic volcanics, which have been structurally deformed and altered to sericite schists. These sericite schist zones trend at about 300* and dip 70* NE. Trenches and pits dating back several decades expose this geology, and locally quartz veining and semi-massive to massive pyrite within the sericite has been noted. Several diabase dikes trending at 345* are also exposed in this area. Sediments and mafic volcanics were cored in the three holes drilled by Royal Oak Mines as documented in a report by the author Peter Harvey, dated May 24, 1996. Sulphide mineralization, consisting of pyrite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and galena were observed in the core, occurring in quartz veins and fracture fillings within the sediments.
Map No. 49h
The only rock type that was mapped in this area at that time, in 1949, was sericite schist. However, it is located on Daniel Johannson's (DJ) property, which butts onto the southwest corner of RTM's property. The strike of the bedding was mapped to be 150*, with a dip towards the northeast at 60*.
Map P.1078
There are 6 outcrops on the DJ property and each has been mapped as amphibolitized mafic metavolcanic tuffs and lapilli tuff. There also appears to be similar rocks in an outcrop towards the extreme western end of RTM's property.
The strike of the bedding was mapped as 148*, with a dip towards the northeast at 71*.
The major north-south Gibson Lake Road Fault that goes through the Cross Lake Minerals Sheraton Twp. copper-zinc zone, is also indicated on this map. It is located just to the west of the Gibson Lake Road.
Map P.3421
For this map, the rocktypes that are indicated on the map, were taken from drill core logs. They include calc-alkaline mafic metavolcanics, calc-alkaline felsic to intermediate metavolcanics, clastic and chemical metasedimentary rocks, gabbro, feldspar porphyry, syenite and diabase dikes. A number of drill holes are located southwest of the RTM property on DJ's property, with most showing anomalous copper and zinc, including 2 drill holes on RTM's property. Each of the drill holes contain some of the alteration minerals that reflect that this area is contained within a potential stringer or stockwork zone. The latter is essentially the bottom of a massive VMS zone. These minerals include sericite, biotite, epidote, albite, carbonate, chlorite and garnets. There are many veins and fissures of sulphides, which is another sign that this immediate area is considered to be a stringer or stockwork zone.
Since carbonate is generally thought to be near the bottom of a potentially overlying VMS cap zone, it is suggested that those drill holes having carbonate, should be the direction that one should be investigating for any potential base metal orebody. A chert exhalite horizon is another favourable zone to be looking for. Drill Hole 96-16 has some of it, and it's located within the western region of RTM's property.
Map 2205
The only noteworthy feature on this map is the major north-south fault zone (Gibson Lake Road Fault). Otherwise, mafic flows and pyroclastic rocks are the rocks mentioned for this area.