Post by
Pareto8020 on Sep 30, 2022 12:37pm
"Incompetence" in dictionary has Howie's face next to it.
Haven't had time to really dig into the new financial doc's with any kind of detail - is there any indication of the specific amount rec'd from AbbVie or is it next to nothing as suspected? Linda Pullman tweeted out that the average upfront payment in that quarter was around $50M yet she negotiated one for apparently next to nothing for her client? WTF!
Love how Howie tries to lower upfront payment expectations with his Corp Update - seems a little too obvious when you release that the same day you have to release your financial info. So apparently it doesn't take much to put a smile on that knobs f'n face? These quarterly updates are now becoming as irrevelant as Howie is as a CEO. They appear to only be vehicles for Howard to make official excuses since he never has actual news to provide since he can't seem to move anything forward and any deals he does complete are f'd up beyond belief and have actually HURT the shareprice! Hence the problem with this management team controlling the everything from self serving compensation with no basis in reality to NR's that are only an attempt to diffuse their own incompetence.
From the Sedar Docs..."The upfront license fee is not considered a significant financing component because it is used to meet working capital demands that can be higher in the early stages of a contract and to protect the Company from the other party failing to adequately complete some or all of its obligations under the contract."
How does a company generate a larger loss than last year but is handing out bonuses, options and salary increases like tic tacs? They drive the stock into the ground with their repeated and complete incompetence and then reward themselves - seems about right in Howies reality. Time for the whole lot to be let go immediately except the eggheads in France.
Comment by
zerbo on Sep 30, 2022 1:35pm
Howie maybe did recived an upfront ? Just the rest of us are still waiting.
Comment by
zerbo on Sep 30, 2022 1:40pm
an upfront in form of a Big congratulation and an big handshake for his timeless effort to make Sirona a future Blue Chip Company.
Comment by
SironaInvestor on Oct 01, 2022 1:25am
So true. Also they stopped to post these things on tw.itter because they know that shitstorm will be the consequence. The whole financials, including the lower upfront but also the salary increase for Howard and the further dilution in order to pay consultants, is a slape in the face for all the long-term investors. Biorun, what's your view on this?