Granges GW24-01 2m to 57m - 35m intercept -
1.36 % Cu Eq GW24-02 23.6m to 88.5m - 64.9m intercept -
2.19 % Cu Eq GW24 01 = volcanic tuff @ surface Where did it come from ?
From up north via watershed carrying volcanics from the massive Dome faults ?
From western Rhyolite ridge flanking grange ?
Granges basin what slam calls gabbro could be silts, sulphides, rhyolites and perhaps gold carried in from watersheds
from Dome's massive faults. 35m = well over 100 ft of mineralized tuff.
= hence perform a quick test of rhyolite ridge to see if - tuff lense is local.
= secondary tuff deposit from Dome faults / local from rhyolite western ridge.
Slam's image identifying Rhyolites aside of Grange. My image - tuffs from Rhyolite ridge or carried in by watershed - secondary placier tuff deposit ?
That's a pretty wide basin filled with silts, tuffs carried in by fault watershed.
Maybe the basin has the tufs all along it's strke right back to the Dome ?
If ever ? It would mean multiple km's of placer tuff @ surface.
Another location ( slam should really consider dropping lithium claims and stake this )
5 miles long x 2 miles wide x 1000 ft high - accessable year round.
One of the very few times i've seen actual rock at surface in New Brunswick - rare.
Rhyolites, irons, grey volcanic ash, and more.
Very impressive.
Added Brunswick 12 image to show it too has
partial felsics and rhyolites.
Just a few images - can't show broader areal it would give away location.
Overlayed with dots to secure image idenity.
5 miles long - massive.
Geo's are parcular people - wink.
Self accomplishment, pride of finding their own deposit reigns.
Yet... if another found a deposit.... why not secure it ?