Zheng Bijian, a leading Chinese intellectual and reformer said: “The most important strategic choice the Chinese made was to embrace globalization.”

China has made a new most important strategic choice – Asian Regionalization.

In the past few years, both Chinese and foreign analysts began to reach the conclusion that China has developed a fairly consistent and coherent grand strategy… Because economic development is taken as the only way for tackling all the pressing challenges that China is facing and will face, China’s grand strategy must serve the central purpose of development. Therefore, the central objective of China’s Grand Strategy in the past two decades (which may well last to 2050) can be captured in just one sentence: to secure and shape a conducive environment (security, economic, and political) so that China can concentrate on its development (economic, social, and political).” Tang Shiping and Zhang Yunling, China’s Regional Strategy

Today, trade with the United States, the European Union and the rest of the West is not the priority it use to be for China. Today the SCO (aka the Asian NATO), chaired by Russia and driven by China, has been ramping up its attention towards expansion and economic cooperation among its members.

That little nugget of information is going to have huge consequences for gold’s price. Let me explain.

