Post by
bluemoons20 on Jan 22, 2022 1:44pm
insider awards
Very nice to reward insiders with options under the market price.
However, to encourage them to work for their money, the options etc,. should be priced above the current market to provide incentive to raise the shareprice and benefit themselves and the shareholders , who are actually paying the bills.
This way they have a guaranteed gain and only have to hope the price does not go down but if it doesn't go up they are still OK.
If we do eventually get a buyout you can bet these 8 miullion options will be right there to pick up their gain. And this will further dilute the per share buyout price (if it exists)
GLTA shareholders
Comment by
bluemoons20 on Jan 23, 2022 9:54am
apologies, yes , the latest ones were @ 40 cents. Misread too quickly but weighted average price of outstanding options is 27 cents. So still a lot of potential dilution out there. just seems that the potential buyout price per share gets lower and lower as time goes on. GLTA