Post by
SamDiego on Mar 29, 2023 3:27pm
TSK,tsk,tsk RoyallyScrewed
99% of the wind in RoyallyScrewed sails has always been the emphasis he puts on the odds of failure by just being on the ventiure exchange. No one has ever disagreed with the disadvantage a start up co.s endures by going public at this stage vs staying private. Everything is more onerous from a cost perspective.
However, is it a guaranteed fact that any company on the venture is doomed for failure? If so, I would like to see the data supporting such a fact. The fact is, no such data exists. Royal definitely can not provide it. So, where does that leave Royal? Why he considers it his business to go beyond pointing out any investors risk by the reliance of no more than general probabilities, let`s leave to the doctors to answer. Royal knows no more than you 9the average laymen) when assessing the current day value of YFI`s spectrum slicing Wi-Fi determined from any service providers perspective. Both he and Leo both totally lack any formal qualifications to even to do even if given all pertinent facts. The fact that they would like you to believe any different is highly suspect. When walking the high wire, both know when to incorporate word disclaimers in anything they say.
In conclusion, when computing the probabilities of YFI`s success, Royal does not hold an advantage over you anymore than forecasting the flip of a coin. Hence, for any investor willing to accept the risks of possibly losing their investment and still knowingly remain a shareholder, you have only one response to RoyallyScrewed: "Eff off and mind your own business." Afterall, he has zero to lose if you were to act on his advice and the market went in the opposite direction.
There is no investment instrument out there that guarantees a return without the element of risk. The current inflation rate makes it even worse.
Finally this is for you Royal: I just flipped a clin 9 times and each time it came up heads. I am going to flip 3 more times for you to tell readers here what those results will be.
I`m just pointing out the facts. There is nothing I said that is not true.
Comment by
RoyallyScrewed on Mar 29, 2023 5:42pm
Thanks for the laugh Shamster.
Comment by
VerifiedUser69 on Mar 29, 2023 7:16pm
I don't get why you or anyone calls him shamster. Shakes head.