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Stock Quote Today & Recent News BetaPro S&P/TSX 60 -2x Daily Bear ETF T.CNDD

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Opinion & Analysis (TSX:CNDD)

Horizons ETFs contest has a $7,500 grand prize

Stockhouse Editorial May 16, 2014

Pick winning ETFs, win a $7,500 grand prize in the Horizons ETFs contest

Stockhouse Editorial October 4, 2013

Bullboard Posts (TSX:CNDD)

RE:Won't be long now

We are getting close IMO but I just a simple swing trader. Dont hold these leveraged ETF's overnight for too long.  This market...
RestoRay - May 20, 2020

Won't be long now

The markets are going to start tanking big-time soon and HXD will go straight up.
AnMar - March 5, 2020

A survey by Insolvency company MNP found........

that almost half of Canadians expect the need to borrow to cover basic living expenses over the next year.-Globeinvestor October 28,2019
valuguy - October 28, 2019

Canadian consumer is drowning in debt.

The TSX will be the worse performing major stock market for the next 12 months at least.Perhaps with the exception of FTSE Britains...
valuguy - October 28, 2019

Deutsche Bank CEO warns central banks have no tools left....

Deutsche Bank CEO warns central banks have no tools left to ‘cushion’ a ‘real economic crisis’ Published Wed, Sep 25 2019 5:32...
pyoing - September 27, 2019


HXD and gold / silver are about the only things I feel secure with these days. Too much political (and economic) instability to be in...
CrashCab - August 7, 2019