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Showcase Companies

Stockhouse is proud to showcase a portfolio of companies that we are watching closely. Learn more about these companies as part of your own investment research. Consider using the tools below to be first in line for important news and updates. view all showcase companies

Globex Mining Enterprises Inc. T.GMX

Globex Mining Enterprises Inc. is a Canada-based company, which is focused exploration and development property bank which operates under the project generator business model. The Company's mineral portfolio consists of exploration, development and royalty properties which contain base metals (copper, nickel, zinc, lead), precious metals (gold, silver, platinum, palladium), specialty metals and minerals (manganese, vanadium, titanium dioxide, iron, molybdenum, lithium, cobalt, scandium, antimony, rare earths and associated elements) and Industrial Minerals (mica, silica, potassic feldspar, pyrophyllite, kaolin, dolomite as well as talc and magnesite). Its properties consist of Timmins Talc-Magnesite, Laguerre-Knutson, Courville, Beauchastel - Rouyn, Cavalier, Great Plains (Clermont), Joutel, Red Star Project, Rouyn-Merger, Ruisseau Marriott, Sheen Lake Property, Shortt Lake Mine, Smith-Zulapa-Vianor, Salt Spring property, Eldrich Gold Mine, Porcupine West Property, and others.

Latest News

Globex Reports on Metallurgical Progress on Two Fronts

Emperor Reports Additional Drill Results on Duquesne West

Globex Provides Update on Tyrone and Kewagama Royalty Properties

Globex Receives Cash for O3 Shares

Brunswick Begins New Drilling on Globex's Lac Escale (Mirage) Lithium Royalty Property

Progress Reported at Globex's Bell Mountain Gold Royalty Property

Golden Portfolio publishes new research on Globex Mining

Globex Options Bald Hill Antimony Property

Globex Mining Enterprises Inc. Invites Shareholders and Investment Community to Visit Us at Booth...

Brunswick Drilling Expanding Lithium Zones on Mirage (Lac Escale) Globex Royalty Claims

Lincoln Advancing Globex's Bell Mountain Gold Royalty Project in Nevada

Broad Gold Intersections reported at Duquesne West Property

Globex Reports More High-Grade Gold Assays from Ironwood

Globex Options Magusi Copper-Zinc-Silver-Gold Project

Chibougamau Extends Several Conditions of the West Block Option