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Showcase Companies

Stockhouse is proud to showcase a portfolio of companies that we are watching closely. Learn more about these companies as part of your own investment research. Consider using the tools below to be first in line for important news and updates. view all showcase companies

Cascadia Minerals Ltd V.CAM

Cascadia is a Canadian junior mining company focused on exploring for copper and gold in the Yukon and British Columbia . Cascadia's flagship Catch Property in the Yukon hosts a brand-new copper-gold porphyry discovery where inaugural drill results returned broad intervals of mineralization, including 116.60 m of 0.31% copper with 0.30 g/t gold. Catch exhibits extensive high-grade copper and gold mineralization across a 5 km long trend, with rock samples returning peak values of 3.88% copper and 30.00 g/t gold.

Latest News



Advancing an underexplored area of the Yukon with the same geology as B.C’.s Golden Triangle

A Summer Epiphany: Carpe Sanctum

Don’t Get Caught in the High-Grade Gold Trap

Modern day gold rush: Victoria Gold & Zonte Metals the eye of the storm

An undervalued mining play in a storied gold district

Rick Rule says these commodities are trading at "no-brainer" prices

Gold market tide may be changing (V.ATC)

Tungsten: Metal that's quietly running the world

Time to get long junior miners

There's a fire sale taking place in elite gold stocks

Yukon gold juniors bloodied but expected to bounce back

More potential buys in the junior sector

Transforming placer gold into Klondike millions

New gold boom right here in the USA

Season Of The Pitch