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Bullboard Post History

by BillyBufford155


RE:Valuation Attempt for MSL

Sorry all, on my last post, it should read: " seemed to NOT...

December 21, 2016


Valuation Attempt for MSL

This stock has really gotten beaten up. I know it was really hyped up when it...

December 21, 2016


RE:RE:RE:RE:Bruce Campbell 2

Joseph K - Re Bruce C: Maybe I should back off Bruce a little. Just want to...

April 12, 2016


RE:RE:Bruce Campbell 2

Oh, that guy...Actually, he's one of my favorite guests on Market Call...

April 12, 2016


Is Vogogo still a "Go Go", or a "No No"?

I wonder if Bruce Campbell is still in this thing, or has he moved on to his...

April 1, 2016


RE:re 6 months didnot post all

I think this stock is worse than a has overpromised, under...

April 1, 2016


RE:Knight $800k borrower Extenway goes into receivership

I'm hoping GUD can get part ownership of the computer terminal technology...

December 23, 2015


RE:RE:bruce likes VGO, just on bnn

Bruce liked SIO a few months ago, too. Now its $.02 a share and getting ready...

December 23, 2015


Bruce Campbell pick...?

Wasn't Bruce Campbell following this thing over the past few years...

December 23, 2015


These guys can run a successfull business?...Yeah right...

This company is some little peanut operation (sub $100 million in Market cap)...

June 5, 2015


Q1 Earnings Opinion

Well, I was hoping to see a continued jump in ASG's revenue during Q1...

May 30, 2015


Makes you wonder...

So the latest news release says Loyalist is still...wait for it...They're...

May 21, 2015


RE:RE:RE:Frac Sand Feasibility, Anyone?

Thanks for your opinions, Bull Trap and snootboot. Did anyone see the Q1...

May 20, 2015


Knight's Cash Position and Book Value getting attractive

GUD has about $450 million cash/marketable securities, $500 Book value and...

May 20, 2015


RE:RE:Is This Sector Becoming Saturated?

RX is a very small company, only $100 mill mkt cap. Merus is over $300 mill...

May 20, 2015


Is this a realistic 2 year forecast for ASG?

According to the year end statements, ASG has a Book Value of $4 million at...

May 15, 2015


Frac Sand Feasibility, Anyone?

I've been looking at ABM the last while. Doesn't seem like its...

May 15, 2015


RE:RE:RE:RE:Did anyone read the Q1 report?

When looking at the Q1 Statements, I do get a little tempted in buying as...

May 15, 2015


Financial Statement delay

Wow, its been 10 days and still no statements...I guess they have to...

May 15, 2015

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