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Bullboard Post History

by Drksideofmoon


RE:RE:Trade War Talk Overrated

You know that under the Trump plan the US will be buying the metals. ...

August 3, 2018


RE:RE:RIO on the hunt for copper

How about a thought experiment? What happens when another party owns 10% of...

June 30, 2018


RE:Could be a painful day to be a short

Yes, the DRC may have the resources in the ground but we just locked in a...

June 11, 2018



I wouldn't put it that way. The company has many options and I believe...

June 9, 2018


RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Wonder what they have drilled on their

With the amount of reserves already disclosed it would be a hard case to make...

June 4, 2018


RE:RE:RE:RE:Shorts Still There

Reminds me of when TASR had this problem years ago with much less potential...

May 23, 2018


RE:RE:New mining code

Spinoff all DRC operations from Platreef, finance Platreef then let Platreef...

May 16, 2018


RE:RE:Western Foreland

I expect they're waiting on finalizing the DRC talks before releasing...

May 8, 2018


Western Foreland

Did anyone else notice this under the Western Foreland section of today's...

May 8, 2018


Western Foreland 100% Ivanhoe owned

Ok, so am I the only one that finds the Western Foreland licences very...

September 11, 2017

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